Benefiting from strong brand communities
The success of these brands originates from offering a compelling, thrilling mind boggling consumer experience. And from tapping into the community benefiting from it.
Creating value for all
The next big thing is offering Experiences-as-a-Subscription, where the business model behind the experience moves from a transaction model to a (multi sided) relationship model. Moving from a one-off interaction with an unknown person to a long term relationship with individuals that brands come to know better with every interaction. With a big additional plus from a sustainability standpoint: when offering X-as-a-Service the brand may also maintain the owner of the resources used. Providing opportunities for re-use and recycling.
How to embark on this journey
Cultural differences, generation gaps, and lack of sufficient user experience with breakthrough technological innovations brought marketers turn to us with one key question: how to best launch my X-as-a-Service?
Our primary response to this question was to start conversations with people related to the challenge of our clients. To co-create unique value with customers. We do so on a gamified mobile platform and with direct access to over 200,000 nano-influencers in the Netherlands, Germany, Spain, Switzerland, Belgium and France. We connect, listen and invite them to participate in a branded community. What we’ve learned?
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By Sandra Horlings
Brand & business strategist at Innoboost , the Netherlands. She is also a member of Medinge, a global think tank on branding.
By Robbert Cornelissen
Digital strategist at Innoboost, the Netherlands and founder of C.Journey. Aiming to engage all involved in brands to create great experiences.